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foot pain

Unveiling the Power of Laser Treatment for Neuromas: A Podiatrist's Perspective

Unveiling the Power of Laser Treatment for Neuromas: A Podiatrist's Perspective

Discover non-invasive relief for neuroma pain! Explore laser therapy's precision, minimal downtime, and reduced inflammation. Unlock a pain-free, active future for your feet!

7 Tips for people who work on their feet all day

7 Tips for people who work on their feet all day

Does your job require that you stand for 5 to 8 hours each day? Have you gotten home to find that your heels and legs were aching after standing on concrete floors? Standing on your feet for work causes excessive strain on your back, hip, knees, and feet. If you are required to work even a few hours a day standing, do not miss these seven tips to avoid foot and leg pain.

Learn about Peripheral Artery Disease during American Heart Month

Peripheral artery disease or PAD is a common circulatory problem where the arteries are narrowed, restricting blood flow to your limbs. If you have PAD, your legs will not receive enough blood flow to keep up with the demands of walking, standing and exercising.

Protect Your Children’s Feet To Avoid Summer Injuries

Protect Your Children’s Feet To Avoid Summer Injuries

Warm weather brings special challenges to your child’s feet. Children are more active in the summer with many outdoor activities and are often tempted to run around barefoot or in minimally-supportive footwear like flip-flops.

Are You At Risk for Gout?

Are You At Risk for Gout?

There are many types of diseases and conditions that, when developed, put you at risk of then developing other related issues. For example, when you have a disease like diabetes, you’re at a higher risk for developing other conditions like nerve disease and gout.

Tips to Identify Foot Pain

Tips to Identify Foot Pain

Maybe you’re thinking about finally scheduling an appointment at Lighthouse Foot & Ankle Center to see one of our wonderful podiatrists. In an effort to get ready for that consultation, we urge you to focus on your feet during the days leading up to that appointment.

“Foot Pain and Weight Gain”

“Foot Pain and Weight Gain”

With our intentions for the New Year set to inspire us along the way, it can be helpful to learn about what exactly weight loss can potentially help you avoid when it comes to foot and ankle health. Untreated foot and ankle issues can contribute to weight gain by preventing you from being active!