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laser therapy

Caring for Your Toenails After Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails: A Comprehensive Guide

Caring for Your Toenails After Laser Treatment for Fungal Toenails: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn how to care for your toenails after laser treatment for fungal toenails: hygiene, footwear, antifungals, monitoring, supplements, and follow-ups.

Unveiling the Power of Laser Treatment for Neuromas: A Podiatrist's Perspective

Unveiling the Power of Laser Treatment for Neuromas: A Podiatrist's Perspective

Discover non-invasive relief for neuroma pain! Explore laser therapy's precision, minimal downtime, and reduced inflammation. Unlock a pain-free, active future for your feet!

Soleful Struggles: Managing Heel Pain in Individuals Living with Diabetes

Soleful Struggles: Managing Heel Pain in Individuals Living with Diabetes

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Having diabetes along with heel pain can be challenging to treat. Heel pain, which can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. Heel pain in diabetics can stem from various causes, and understanding these factors is crucial for effective management and relief. 

How Does Laser Therapy Work for Pain?

How Does Laser Therapy Work for Pain?

A little more than half the patients we see come to the office with pain, pain in the ball of the foot from a neuroma, heel pain, ankle pain, arthritis, and tendonitis. Laser therapy in conjunction with taping, shoe recommendations, stretching and orthotics works fantastic for these conditions. But how does it work?

The Scoop on Cold Laser Therapy

The Scoop on Cold Laser Therapy

In the medical field, second opinions are not only helpful, but they’re often strongly encouraged when your diagnosis proves to be a complex case. When it comes to plantar fasciitis, a decent amount of sufferers find permanent relief from merely resting or using custom orthotics.