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Volunteering to Help Your Feet AND Your Community!

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Each year on March 13th, folks around the world celebrate National Good Samaritan’s Day. This can be done simply by extending a helping hand to a neighbor in need or even signing up for a monthly shift volunteering at your local homeless shelter. Getting involved in your community is a great way to feel more connected to those around you and contribute to making your town a better place. With the spring season just starting, you may even find some great opportunities coming up in the warmer months that involve being outdoors!

One of the easiest and most beneficial ways to help your local community is by getting a team of volunteers together to pick up litter around local public spaces, like parks or town centers. As you can imagine, this will involve a lot of walking! This can definitely be hard on your feet and ankles if you’re not prepared. Here are some tips and tricks to help you prepare for those few hours you’ll be spending volunteering to help make your community a better place to live in:

  • Good shoes - one of the most important parts of a day spent volunteering outside is a good pair of shoes! This doesn’t just mean a cute pair of shoes; this means your shoes are supportive; they fit your feet right and are built for being walked in.

  • Regular check-ups - making sure your feet and ankles are really ready for the level of activity you’re looking to enjoy is key. It’s important to get that one nagging issue checked out before getting out there to help your community!

  • Emergency pack - especially when you know you’ll be out and about walking for a few hours, it’s a good idea to bring a small pack of emergency essentials. When it comes to your feet, this can include band aids, an extra pair of socks, and wound wipes.

These tips and tricks will make your volunteer experience that much easier when you decide to get out and help your community. For more advice, call us today at (207) 774-0028 to schedule an appointment with our podiatrist, Dr. Michele Kurlanski at Lighthouse Foot & Ankle Center.